Other Books By Brewster Chamberlin

Scripts of All SortsScripts of All Sorts - For Stage, Radio and Screen
by Brewster Chamberlin, $2.99 ebook, $11.95 paperback
A new collection of short plays and script treatments that will enthrall fans of the theater, whether the performance is on the stage, radio, or other medium. We’re offering a special lower-than-normal price to entice readers who will appreciate Brewster’s way with words. Buy and/or Read More

Travels in ProvenceTravel in Provence - A Look-See Book
Observations by Brewster Chamberlin,
$3.99 ebook, $24.95 coffee-table paperback
The South of France conjures up many romantic images – and here they are, a visual tour of Provence. This photographic coffee-table collection has an introduction by Brewster Chamberlin. Buy and/or Read More >>>

The Time in TavelThe Time in Tavel
by Brewster Chamberlin eBook $3.99, paperback $16.95
Brewster Chamberlin admits one of the great pieces of buona Fortuna in his life was the 14 months he spent with Lynn-Marie Smith in a small village in the South of France. This sprightly memoir is the story of those deeply enriching and adventurous months. Buy and/or Read More >>>

Almost at the EndAlmost to the End The Shorter Poems: New and Old
by Brewster Chamberlin $3.99 ebook, $14.95 paperback
These Haiku-like poems represent nighttime thoughts and inspirations written down while reading Sam Hamill’s translations in The Sound of Water: Haiku by Bashō, Buson, and Other Poets. Some are actually based on the work of these poets, but most are inspired by them. Buy and/or Read More >>>

Paris Chapbook"A Paris Chapbook," by Brewster Chamberlin.
An intellectually stimulating collection of other people's opinions, comments, and critiques of Paris. From the author of A Piece of Paris: The Grand XIVth; Paris Now and Then; and Kultur auf Trümmern . . .Buy and/or Read More >>>

Shorts of All Sorts"Shorts of All Sorts," by Brewster Chamberlin.
A unique collection of short stories, poems, and plays by the author of Love’s Poison and Other Poems, A Paris Chapbook, and Radovic’s Dilemma. A Mediterranean Thriller . . .Buy and/or Read More >>>



Genre: Travel and Literature/Great Reading

Meet The Author

Brewster Chamberlin spent several decades of his life working as a historian, archivist, university teacher, lecturer, poet, essayist and writer of longer and shorter fictions while living in Manhattan, Germany, France (Provence), Italy, Washington DC and Greece. In 2001 he retired from an executive position at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC to move with his wife Lynn-Marie Smith to Key West, Florida to concentrate on writing prose and poetry and a series of four novels revolving around the city of Berlin in the 20th century. Chamberlin also serves on the Durrell Library of Corfu board of directors and faculty, and is a board member of the Save the Pines Foundation and the Key West Art & Historical Society.

Travels in Greece and France
Instant Interview!

What do you like best about writing?

The surge of other-worldly feeling when a sentence truly works the way it should.

Do you write on a specific schedule or as the mood strikes?

I work from about 8 in the morning until lunch, then from about 4 in the afternoon until the PBS News Hour at 6:00 o'clock (when at home, when abroad at various points during the day)


Brewster Chamberlin
Travels in Greece and France and the Durrell School of Corfu Seminars,
by Brewster Chamberlin,,
Buy This Book
Author and intellect Brewster Chamberlin invites you along on his personal journey through the culturally rich landscapes of Greece and France. From the author of The Time in Tavel: An Informal Illustrated Memoir of a Sojourn in Provence; Paris Now and Then: Memoirs, Opinions, and a Companion to the City of Light for the Literate Traveler; and Mediterranean Sketches. Fictions, Memories and Metafictions. "Illuminating!" says social commentator and art critic Hollis George.